Sunday, March 13, 2011

Social reconstruction- Is it worth it?

Constructions of identity and conformity can be found on many platforms. Whether it’s online or in social groups, some of us have reconstructed ourselves to conform or seem more appealing. Pearson explains a particular theory known as identity- performance and compares the process of self-presentation to an actor superficially constructing the personality of a character (Pearson, 2009). The glass bedroom is fast becoming a popular habitat to many people. SNS enable us to construct ourselves into anyone.

However, is online social conformity that different to ‘keeping up with the Joneses’? Before SNS, social conformity was rampant. Take certain suburbs for instance, in Ascot BMW X5’s, Mercedes ML’s and Range Rover’s are abundant...coincidence? I think not! Most Ascotians drive particular cars, wear particular brands and eat particular foods to be accepted into a particular group they desire to be in. - And if you are moving there, Botox that brow, burst that blister and bronze that baby!

Due to the fact that SNS can trivialize friendship (Leong, 2011) is social reconstruction needed? If you have thousands of friends on SNS, how many would help you move house? Real friends would help, most Facebook friends wouldn’t. Yet, at some point online, we have changed or reconstructed something about ourselves only to add another number to the list.

Text Reference

Leong, Dr. Susan. (2011). Week 2: Performing me: Maintaining visibility on the Social stage. Available online at:

Pearson, E. (2009). All the World Wide Web’s a stage: the Performance of Identity in Online Social Networks. First Monday, volume 14, Number 3. Available online at:
Image Reference 2011. (accessed March 13, 2011). (accessed March 13, 2011).

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